Dates: 26 September -1 October 2022
Venue: Kaliningrad, FSEI HE «KSTU».
The Forum is organized by Kaliningrad State Technical University with the support of the Russian Federal Agency for Fisheries and the Government of the Kaliningrad region.
International Baltic Maritime Forum is one of the biggest annual events in research and technical cooperation and education.
The Forum includes 11 conferences on priority development areas of marine industry with participation of Russian and foreign scientists, researchers and experts, representatives of the leading Russian and European universities, research institutes, public authorities and business, as well as young scientists, PhD and Master degree students.
Main scientific and technological trends that determine the development of the modern domestic and world fishery complex will be presented at the Forum venues. A special attention will be paid to the discussion of new educational technologies and improvement of the system of integrated network education for marine specialties and the latest trends and challenges in the field of creating interactive distributed laboratories.
The programme includes a plenary session, conferences, workshops, expert sessions and round table discussions».
Scientists, graduate students, government and business representatives from Russia and abroad as well as journalists are invited to participate in the Forum.
236022, Kaliningrad, Sovetskiy prospekt 1
FSEI HE «Kaliningrad State Technical University»
Elena Bezborodova, tel. 8 (4012) 995-962, e-mail:
Olga Smirnova, tel. 8 (4012) 995-962, e-mail: